Alpha is very involved in specific mission’s support
and trips. We have regular trips both in the United States and Internationally.
On these trips we do various different ministries like medical, construction,
evangelism, and more. We also have trips for families and others of all ages.
Please prayerfully consider joining Alpha on a mission trip very soon! For more
information on upcoming trips, please contact our church.
Please prayerfully consider joining
Alpha on a mission trip this year! Stay tuned to this page more trip
information coming soon!
We encourage all people to pray for our
missionaries all over the world!
Alpha Supports Missions by giving generously to the Cooperative Programs of the Tennessee Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. We also strongly support local missions by giving to the Nolachucky Baptist Association.
Out of every dollar you give to Alpha's General budget offering, 15
cents goes directly to local, state, national, or world missions.
Alpha also supports missions through Special Missions Offerings every year. These are the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for World Missions, the Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions, and the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions.